2006 Chevy Impala Sunroof Drain – How to Drain a Clogged Sunroof Drain catdumptruck.com | Often when the drain in your 2006 Chevy Impala sunroof gets clogged, it can cause your sunroof to make a loud slurping sound or can cause the drain to make a lot of water to collect and get dumped onto the top of your car. In order to fix this problem, you need to know how to drain a clogged sunroof drain.
2006 Chevy Impala Sunroof Drain – How to Drain a Clogged Sunroof Drain
#Fills with 1-2 inches of water
Those of you who own a 2006 Chevy Impala may have noticed that the sunroof drain will sometimes fill with a few inches of water. It’s a normal occurrence.
The sunroof has drains in both the front and rear corners. Normally, the water should drain to the outer edge of the sheet metal. However, if there is a leak or a compromised seal, the water can seep into the cabin.
The sunroof drain has a trough that spans the width of the sunroof window panel. This trough is designed to direct water into the trough. This can be cleaned using a shop vacuum. Debris can collect on the trough or on the seal.
The front and rear drain hoses should be routed properly. They should be taped in place. If the hoses are not properly routed, they can become kinked and plug.
They should also be checked for proper air flow. If they are plugged or kinked, they can cause the water to backup and possibly overflow into the headliner and headliner pockets at the front of the vehicle.
A sunroof drain is a great way to help you keep the car’s interior dry during rainy days. However, a clogged drain can cause the trough to be clogged, leading to muddy sludge in the trough. This muddy sludge can cause noise and the drain to malfunction.
Some vehicles require the sunroof drain hose to be cleaned from the lower hose outlet. If this is the case, the most obvious way to clean it is to remove the hose.
#Gets dumped on the top of the car
Getting rain water to drip out of the sunroof is nothing new, but the way it gets drained is. The sunroof has four small drains, two in the rear, and two in the front.
They are connected with a hose that runs down the A pillar, a pillar that runs from the rear quarter panels to the firewall. It’s a good idea to have the pillars secured by tape before you commence your fix.
The A-pillar also houses the aforementioned gizmo, the sunroof tidbit. The aforementioned tidbit is a slender tube of insulated copper wire. It’s not as impressive as it sounds.
In order to ape the aforementioned tidbit, you need a hefty sum of cash. If you are fortunate enough to own a 2006 Chevy Impala, it’s a good idea to do the necessary homework.
You may even be able to find the tidbit at your local auto parts store. You might have to look for the best price and the best quality, but it’s well worth the effort. You should also consider replacing the tidbit with a replacement of higher quality.
The sunroof tidbit is also the best way to tell which drains are plugged. The tidbit is hidden behind a foam layer on the “A” pillar. To get to it, you will need to remove the lower kick pad. The aforementioned tidbit can be easily cleaned with a shop vacuum and some duct tape.
2006 Chevy Impala Sunroof Drain
#Makes a slurping noise
Whether you’re driving your 2006 Chevy Impala or you just parked it, you may hear a slurping sound from the sunroof. This is a common occurrence and can be caused by water accumulation. It’s important to know how to clean the drains.
The drains on the sunroof feed through the roof pillars. These holes are small and can be hard to spot, but they should be cleaned on a regular basis.
A thin, flexible wire can be used to unclog these holes. However, be careful not to damage the control units. The wire should be pushed up and down to clear away any debris.
If the sunroof drain makes a slurping noise, you should open the door panel and check the drains. If they’re plugged, it may be a problem with the hoses.
You should also check for moisture and mould inside the sunroof. If this is the case, a professional mechanic will need to be consulted.
If the slurping noise comes from the condensate drains, you can unclog them with compressed air. If this doesn’t work, you should consider cleaning the drains with electrical wire. Be sure to wear safety glasses while you’re working.
Another cause of a slurping sound on your 2006 Chevy Impala is a clogged windshield drain. This can happen if you’re parking in a treed area and water can get into the opening. You can use a shop vac to remove debris from the opening.
#Jams a track assembly
Taking the time to fix a squeaky sunroof will rewarded with a smoother more comfortable ride in the long run. The most arduous task is determining the source of the complaint.
A cursory study in the trunk will reveal that the culprit is the sunroof itself, as opposed to the more gental neighbour, in the vicinity of the engine compartment.
For the most part, the solution is a simple matter of dismantling the sunroof and reassembling the unit, or more like a nascent restoration. This can easily be accomplished in as little as 10 minutes.
Alternatively, you could choose to call in a qualified professional to do the heavy lifting for you. Regardless of which path you chose, the following are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind.
2006 Chevy Impala Sunroof Drain
#Can be jammed by rock
Despite being a GM product, the Chevy Impala’s sunroof hasn’t been the most nimble of its brethren when it comes to service and repair.
The good news is, a quick Google search can bring up the name of your local LEMC and a plethora of other nimbleminded Chevy owners who can point you in the right direction.
The bad news is, a newfound impatient prick will likely try and suck you out the door, leaving you in the dark. A more thoughtful approach to your predicament would be to consult a qualified mechanic to perform the aforementioned legwork for you.
Besides, your snoopy will likely be more than happy to pick your brains in exchange for the coveted service call. After all, he’s been tasked with the heavy lifting since the day he purchased the babe.
Luckily, a little time, a lot of tinkering and a couple of spit and polish will make your venerable ride as good as new. In addition to the usual suspects, you should also take the opportunity to swap out your front windshield wipers, which you can’t do without. Likewise, be on the lookout for leaky rear door windows.
#Fixing a clogged sunroof drain
Whenever you hear or see water dripping from the headliner, check the sunroof drains on your car. Often, this is caused by a clogged drain hose.
If you have a plugged hose, you may be able to temporarily fix the problem by blowing compressed air into it. If the hose is still plugged, it will need to be replaced.
There are two types of sunroof drains. First, there are the drain holes located in each corner of the sunroof. The other type is the drain line that connects to the fitting where the water drains under the car. The drain line is usually a rubber hose.
If you have a plugged drain hose, you should disconnect it from the fitting and use a mechanics wire to remove the obstruction. Then, blow the remaining debris out of the hose with compressed air. You can also use a small flexible wire to clear the front drains. If you don’t have an air compressor, you can use a trimmer cord.
After you have removed the obstruction, you can replace the hose. This may require that you install a new clamp to hold the hose in place.
You can also use a shop vacuum to clean the drain channels. You should check the drains at least twice a year, or after every two to three months.
If you have a clogged sunroof drain, you should take the following steps to avoid flooding the interior of your vehicle. These steps will also help to prevent a leak.
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